7 places left for the webinar
June 6th, 14:00 GMT (19:30 IST, 21:00 Jakarta)
Free webinar:

"Creating products your customers will love and cannot do without"

Deepa Bachu
Co-Founder & CEO at Pensaar Design
Alisha Raghavan
Head of Interaction Design
at Pensaar Design

Every PM would love to create products that their customers' love! Ones they cannot imagine their lives without!
Let's be honest, we see (and have worked on products) that simply don't elicit that emotion from customers ...
what could have gone wrong?

    Fill in the fields to participate:
    Here's what you can expect to learn during this live webinar session:
    14:00 - 14:40 GMT
    14:00 - 14:40 GMT
    Bullet points for the talk
    • How to understand customers' unmet needs
    • How to ensure your solution meets customer needs
    • How to measure customer success
    14:40 - 15:00 GMT
    14:40 - 15:00 GMT
    Answers to questions from webinar participants
    Join our Telegram channel
    and receive frequently updated and useful materials for Product Managers
    The webinar will be held as part of the course "How to be a PM"

    • 60 lectures and 60 practical exercises from verified industry professionals
    • Our platform allows you to complete the course at your own pace
    • At the end of the course, we will help you find an employer and prepare for job interviews
    • Great networking opportunity: communicate with peers within the course group and receive mentor support