Now it's your turn to act. Below, you will find the assignment that you will need to be complete and submit for review.
The assignment consists of 3 parts: 1) You need to create CJM for your product (use the template attached below) 2) You need to draw a Wireframe for several screens of your future product in Figma (you can also use Miro or - the latter is a paid service) 3) Finally, you will need to build a clickable prototype (using either the Wireframe or screenshots that you've made) using or Figma
Assignment template
Make a copy of this file, fill it out and submit it into the form below
Try to make the most of the templates that are attached to the lecture when completing the HW assignment. By doing so, you will learn how to complete tasks in the same form that they are often assigned in large-product companies.
Complete the task in your mega file
Remember that the file with all HW assignments looks something like this, so that all your practical work is in one place. This way it'll be easy to return to a relevant example in your day-to-day work ;)
Mark that your HW is ready to review in the students file
Please attach a link to your completed homework assignment below, we will soon review your assignment and get back to you with feedback :)
Please attach a link to your completed homework
Thanks! The data has been successfully sent, we will soon review your assignment and get back to you with feedback :)
So what's next?
That's simple:
1. You finish the homework assignments and send them to us 2. Please leave us some feedback on this lesson (below) 3. We will review the assignment (over the course of a few days) and provide feedback on your work 4. Every week, we send you a link to the next chapter – and you're ready to go!