(FEBRUARY 7th, 2020)

Sunil Kumar R
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft

14.30 GMT / 20.00 IST / 21.30 JAKARTA

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What kind of strategy could fit in order to develop B2B product?
As a B2B SaaS PM, I receive feature requirements based on CXO's request, existing clients, prospect clients suggestions. How do I maintain a healthy product roadmap without confusing the development team amidst all these. There is always a 'This could've been done instead of that at that time' response from my CXOs.
1. What's the main differences starting new B2B product comparing to starting a new B2C product

2. What's the main 2-3 absolutely crucial points to get a success with B2B product?

3. From your experience in MS, how starting new B2B product within a corporation mainly differs from starting a standalone (with brand new company) B2B product?
How important is User experience in a B2B product? In a B2B product the customer (company/Higher management / CEO) is different from the user ( Employee/ heads of Particular departments). Given a situation where your product solves a crucial business problem of your customers, but the product itself is a nightmare to use because of the user experience. But the higher management wouldn't be bothered about the UX as long as their employee gets the job done. But from the employee's (user) side, the product is very difficult to use. In this case how will you, as a product manager, justify that a UX improvement is needed (or not) and how will you calculate the ROI and also the value that it generates for the customer.

Sunil Kumar R
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft

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