Abilash Hari
Product Manager & Solution Architect at Moolya)

(MARCH 13, 2020)

15.00 GMT / 20.30 IST / 22.00 JAKARTA

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How to transition from technology team lead to product manager?
How is Product Manager different from Project Manager?
I'm looking out for any documentation/weblink/personal view(s) that describes the end to end journey or lifecycle of a product and milestones (like when to use a roadmap, prototype, vision board or tracking tool etc) in between.
How did you decide on what to build?
Then defined the vision/strategy
It's very common, how to get into product management while working for unrelated position fulltime.
Especially to make the ends meet and can't take chance to work for less pay instantly which can happen when we switch career.
Ways to work on side projects , ways to improve on product management skills, ways to demonstrate KSA of product manager to prospective employer.
I am aspiring to product manager but as of now carry no experience relevant to it, How can I change my path and start my journey into that direction
How to do transition to PM role having past experience of Business Analyst role?
Biases & Assumptions
What are the factors involved in feature prioritisation?
How to become a good product manager?
Thanks for participation!

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