Let's summarize
  • Growth Hacking is a search for atypical ways of developing and scaling a company.
  • Once your business has started generating income, you need to form a Growth Team, which will focus exclusively on product growth.
  • There is no need to demand immediate results from the Growth Team, as this usually takes several months.
  • Set Growth Team goals to show when exponential growth is achieved. The Growth team must have great analytics data, because without such teams will not survive without it.
  • There is no exact 'norm' for conversion rates, since they depend on the industry, seasonality, product type and so on. The higher the conversion, the lower the cost of traffic and the more income the company receives.
Now Pavel Shishkin will share his Growth Hacking experience with us.
Monetization Cases
Mikhail Karpov will share some information on monetization cases.